
A fishy new life: Traitors get treachery

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It was a hot day in April, and the Jotham Carlman Elementary school 5th grade teacher was about to make an announcement to his class.

“Now class, I’m giving you all a report that’s due next week.” he said.

Everyone groaned.

“Now I know that in the past, we’ve usually done projects over historical people, like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. But this year, we’re going to try something a little different: the report will be sort of like a contest. It will be over sea creatures.  You can each work in groups of two or three, and work together to write a 1000 word report written in ink. over a certain sea creature. The winner will receive free tickets to Super Splashy water park. REmember this is due next Friday, so get cracking!”

The whole fifth grade class then left for lunch.

“Super Splashy funland...oh I’ve got to win it!” a girl named Jessie said.

“Think again JEssie!” another girl named Samantha who was Jessie’s frenemy said. “It’s obviously me who’ll get that ticket! I have my good luck charm!”

“Well my mother owns a library!” Jessie snapped.

“Oh don’t waste your breath you two.” a boy named Kevin said. “The winner’s definetely going to be Karen.”

Karen Aikman was an eleven year old girl with light brown hair which she always kept in a ponytail, blue eyes and a timid voice. She was a pretty girl, but she was labeled the class dork due to her braininess and being the teacher’s pet. She loved the ocean and her dad was a marine biologist, who owned an aquarium downtown.

“Karen? What makes you think that brainiac is gonna beat us!?” Jessie cried.

“Well her love of the ocean is a start.” Kevin said. “Not to mention that her dad is a marine biologist, and he’ll no doubt write the whole paper for her. We don’t stand a chance.”

“We do if we’re her partners.” Jessie said smiling.

Samantha smiled at her. They had a plan!

Karen was eating her lunch when Jessie ran over to her.

“Hello Karen!” she said smiling.

“Oh. Hi Jessie.” Karen said. “What’s up?”

“ got a partner for that marine project yet?” JEssie said smoothly.

“Not yet.” she said.

“Samantha and I would LOVE to be your partners Karen!” she said.

“Really?! That would be great!” Karen cried.

Samantha and Jessie smiled at each other. Plan was working!

“So...we’ll...ask your dad for advice right?” Samantha asked.

“Of course!” Karen said. “My daddy’s an ocean expert! He’d love to help!”

“So...when can we meet you at your house?” Jessie asked.

“After school!” Karen said.

“Will do.” Samantha said.

Kevin watched them.

“Oh what a smart plan!” he moaned. “Taking advantage of the class nerd....oh why didn’t I think of that?!

He wondered what his best friend Richard Baxter would think...then he thought of something: Richard had gotten a tape recorder with a microphone that you could listen in on from long distances...if they could somehow plant it in Karen’s house, they could steal the information before Samantha and JEssie! But Kevin thought of something..he didn’t want Richard to share his glory of being the he decided to betray him and take credit for it all himself!

So he went to Richard.

“Richard, we’ve got to do something bout that brainiac!” Kevin said.
Rihard looked up from his sandwich.

“What brainiac?” Richard asked confused.

“Karen Aikman.” Kevin said.

“What about Karen?” Richard asked.

“She’s gonna win those tickets and she and those two stinky girls are gonna go to the park!”

“Well, there’s always next time.” Richard shrugged.

“Not necessarily buddy.” Kevin said smiling.

“what do you mean?” Richard asked.

“You still got that new recording microphone?” Kevin asked.

“Yup. It works like a charm.” Richard said proudly.

“Good. If we can plant it in the girl’s house, we can steal all their information and use it for ourselves!” Kevin grinned.

“I don’t sounds wrong man.” Richard said.

“Who’ll know? I have a good record with teacher, so he’ll believe us!” KEvin said. “You want those tickets don’t you buddy?”

“Well...okay.” Richard said.

So that night at Karen’s house,, Jessie and Samantha were with Karen, trying to take advantage of her generousity. Karen’s dad was telling them all about the ocean when there was a knock on the door.

Karen opened the door.

“Richard?” she asked.

“Hi Karen.” Richard said. “Can I please...borrow some milk for my mom?”

“Um...sure?” KAren said and went. Richard then hid a microphone device in the couch to steal the girls secrets.

After leaving the girls continued talking unaware that they were being listened to.

Each day that week, they listened in on them, skipping over KAren’s parents conversations and other stuff and wrote down all he info they could. Soon it was the day before the report was due.

When they were done, Richard took the recording tape out.

“Well, here it is Kevin!” Richard said proudly. “Our report!”

“Let me see.” Kevin said holding out his hand.

He then snatched and started running.

“Hey!” Richard cried.

“SEe ya loser! Thanks for helping me steal their report!” Kevin laughed.

“I’m telling my parents!” Richard cried.

“Tell them what? That you helped me steal another students report? They’ll ground you for life man!” Kevin said and left.

Richard was shocked. IT was night.and there was no way he could right the report on his own so quickly...he thought about telling his parents...but then he’d have to explain how he’d tried to steal another students report..that...wouldn’t be so wise. and now he had nothing...except a zero sure to come the next day..

Meanwhile, Jessica and Samantha were done writing down everything.

“Thanks for doing our report for us dork!” they laughed

“Huh?” Karen asked shocked and confused.

“Thanks for giving us all this!” Samantha said. “Now WE’RE going to win those tickets! And YOU’RE not!”

“I’m telling Mr. Pinson!” Karen yelled.

“Who do ya think he’s gonna believe?” Samantha laughed and they both left they hurt Karen alone.

Karen told her parents of course. She had done nothing wrong, unlike Richard.

“So you’ll tell Mr. Pinson right?!” KAren asked.

Her parents looked nervously at each other,

“Wha...what’s wrong?!” she asked.

“Well dear....” Karen’s mom said. “I’m not so sure they’ll believe us either.”

“Why not?” Karen asked confused.

“We...kinda told a little fib to the school.” her father admitted. “We said you were dslyexia in order to get free help for you on homework since we were busy....anyway, when the school found out the truth, they said never to call them again.”

“So I’m screwed?” Karen cried. “I’m gonna get a zero since my report is gone?!”

“Well, we won’t be angry with you.” her father said trying to help. “We know you did the work and were framed.”

Karen sighed.

“Can I go to the park for a little bit?” she asked.

“Sure honey. Just be back by six.” her mom said.

Karen nodded and headed out.

. When she got there, she saw Richard sitting on the bench.

Next chapter:…
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